Sunday, March 22, 2015

Bedouin Arab Village Is Most Pro-Bibi Town in Israel

Blogger Elder of Ziyon writes:

Deebo at Israellycool looks at some interesting statistics from the Israeli elections. One of the facts reported is that the most pro-Likud town in Israel is the village of All Naim, where 77% voted Likud. Why did they vote for Bibi? NRG went there and asked.
The NRG report is in Hebrew, but the basic story is that the village has been fighting for basic electric and sewage services for years. The Netanyahu government proved to be the one source that finally started making progress two years ago. As the secretary of the settlement explained, the overwhelming support for Bibi and Likud was due to the fact that “there is something in our heritage that we remember a person of good things.” Imagine, voting for a politician on the basis of what they’ve already accomplished instead of what they’re promising to do.

But, EoZ explains, because this overwhelming Arab support for Netanyahu/Likud doesn’t fit the mainstream narrative, the chances of it hitting big press are slim to none. Illustrating his point, the story was covered by the Israel paper Haaretz, which sourced unnamed residents of the village who claimed the local council told the residents how to vote. Their article ended by quoting a disgruntled Arab from an adjacent unrecognized Bedouin village of 80 residents. How relevant the quote was to the story of Al Naim, versus the “Right is racist” narrative? You decide.

This article found at PJ Media


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