Thursday, August 6, 2015

Body Parts Scandal “Infuriates” President Obama!

Finally, our distinguished president, our Nobel Peace Prize Laureate has spoken out about the infamous scandal of body parts being trafficked. “It is infuriating and I have no patience for it,” President Obama said in a strong show of righteous indignation. --But wait, that was in response to a question about the killing of Albino people in Africa. Of course, he is absolutely right in his visceral reaction against trafficking in body parts for pagan ritual purposes in parts of Africa. And the young African leaders—to their great credit—asked the President to lend his moral authority to their effort to stamp out this horrific practice. --How strange, then, how truly bizarre it is to see this White House’s reaction to the burgeoning Planned Parenthood scandal.

(Hat tip: KimR)


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