Monday, October 12, 2015

What Gun-Control Advocates Mean but Dare Not Say: Guns Should Be Confiscated

Charles Krauthammer - There’s the cycle of poverty. There’s the cycle of violence. And then there’s the cycle of gun talk. It starts with a mass shooting. Gun-control advocates blame the deaths on gun-control opponents, who argue, in turn, that none of the proposed restrictions would have had any effect on the incident in question. The debate goes nowhere. The media move on. Until the next incident, when the cycle begins again. ---So with the Roseburg massacre in Oregon. Within hours, President Obama takes to the microphones to furiously denounce the NRA and its ilk for resisting “commonsense gun-safety laws.” His harangue is totally sincere, totally knee-jerk, and totally pointless. At the time he delivers it, he — and we — know practically nothing about the shooter, nothing about the weapons, nothing about how they were obtained.

Read more at National Review

Related: Stop Pretending that Ending Mass Shootings Is a Matter of ‘Common Sense’


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