Friday, October 31, 2014

RNC's Principles for American Renewal

On October 2, 2014, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus introduced 11 principles referred to as Principles for American Renewal. Included with the online introduction of the principles is a section called "What They're Saying." Here's a taste:

    Reince's Principles for American Renewal capture the spirit of serious and fast reform, and a refusal to stand by for the last two years of Obama's epic fail bemoaning but not acting. The principles stress a commitment to deep reforms and an ongoing recognition that a free people are best left to decide for themselves how to use their time, their money and their land, educate their children, choose their health care, and worship their God as they see fit.
    - Hugh Hewitt, Nationally Syndicated Talk Radio Host and Author

See the principles and more at or

Principles for American Renewal

CONSTITUTION - Our Constitution should be preserved, valued and honored.

ECONOMY - We need to start growing America’s economy instead of Washington’s economy so that hardworking Americans see better wages and more opportunity.

BUDGET - We need to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, make government more efficient, and leave the next generation with opportunity, not debt.

HEALTHCARE - We need to start over with real healthcare reform that puts patients and their doctors in charge, not unelected bureaucrats in Washington.

VETERANS - Our veterans have earned our respect and gratitude, and no veteran should have to wait in line for months or years just to see a doctor.

SECURITY - Keeping America safe and strong requires a strong military, growing the economy, energy independence, and secure borders.

EDUCATION - Every child should have an equal opportunity to get a great education; no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing school.

POVERTY - The best anti-poverty program is a strong family and a good job, so our focus should be on getting people out of poverty by lifting up all people and helping them find work.

VALUES - Our country should value the traditions of family, life, religious liberty, and hard work.

ENERGY - We should make America energy independent by encouraging investment in domestic energy, lowering prices, and creating jobs at home.

IMMIGRATION - We need an immigration system that secures our borders, upholds the law, and boosts our economy. PRINCIPLES FOR AMERICAN RENEWAL
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