Saturday, October 31, 2015

Largest U.S. banks face $120 billion shortfall under new rule

Six big U.S. banks need to raise an additional $120 billion, most likely in long-term debt, under a rule proposed on Friday by the Federal Reserve. The requirements are aimed at ensuring that some of the biggest and most interconnected banks, which include Goldman Sachs Group Inc, (GS.N), JPMorgan Chase & Co, (JPM.N), and Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N), can better withstand another crisis by turning some of their debt, particularly debt issued by their holding companies, into equity without disrupting markets or requiring a government bailout.

Read more at Reuters
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The Next Wave: Afghans Flee To Europe in Droves

As the situation in Afghanistan becomes ever more chaotic, an increasing number of Afghans are heading towards Europe. But as one family's story shows, the trip often ends in tragedy. ___ Many Afghans dream of a better life in Europe. About 80,000 applied for asylum in Europe in the first half of 2015 alone, with most of them going to Germany. They are the second-largest group of refugees and migrants in Germany after Syrians.

Read more at Spiegel
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The Strange Nexus of CNBC, Rick Santelli, the Tea Party, Rush, Drudge and Crony Capitalism

Prior to February 19, 2009, CNBC was an obscure niche network watched mainly inside Merrill Lynch offices ... At the same point, in February 2009, the term tea party was only a vague memory out of middle school history - with no particular relevance to politics today - with the exception of a few mentions by Ron Paul that never resonated widely. --Meanwhile, crony capitalism (or crony socialism or cronyism if you prefer) was a problem, but it ... was kind of practiced in the dark and certainly not celebrated openly.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Students Stage Walkout In Support Of Deputy Fired Over Viral Video

Hundreds of students at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, S.C. staged a brief walkout on Friday in support of the school resource officer and football coach who was fired earlier this week after video emerged of him dragging a female student out of her desk and slamming her onto the ground.

Read more at Daily Caller Read More......

Friday, October 30, 2015

The Growing Backlash Against Liberal Media Bias

If you think media bias is bad now, brace yourself. --It’s no secret that students these days are being taught to be biased in the direction of the “progressive” point of view. The trend in journalism “education” is even more pronounced. --For example, Burlington College in the People’s Republic of Vermont offers a degree in “media activism,” symbolized by a clenched fist. The college says, “The degree is conceived explicitly for those who want to become media activists. Through technical training rooted in history and theory, students are encouraged to apply media making technique, craft, and art to issues of advocacy, activism and social change.”

Read more at Accuracy in Media
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Top Senators Question IRS Use Of Secret Cellphone Tracking Technology

Two top senators Thursday demanded that the Obama administration explain why the Internal Revenue Service is using technology to secretly track cellphones that is normally the domain of law-enforcement agencies. The move by Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont followed IRS Commissioner John Koskinen's admission to the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday that the agency uses the technology.

Read more at Newsmax
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Laws are for the Little People

If Hillary Clinton got what she deserved, she would spend the rest of her ambassador-murdering, national security-endangering life in a federal prison. --Yet, let's be realistic here – she will not. Indeed, instead of going to the Big House, there's an even chance that the Free Stuff Army will rally to her cause next year and put her into the White House.

Read more at Renew America
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Black Man Arrested For Setting Fires To Six Black Churches In St. Louis

An African-American man in his 30s has been arrested for setting a string of fires at black churches in St. Louis, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch is reporting.
Speculation swirled that the fires were racially-motivated, especially given the proximity to Ferguson, Mo., the St. Louis suburb that was the site of massive protests last year over the police-involved shooting of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old black man.

Read more at the Daily Caller
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Free Stuff Can Turn Out to Be a Bad Buy

Free college! That's what the Democratic candidates were offering in their presidential debate. And it's likely that, if the subject had come up, they would have offered something like free home mortgages as well, to judge from Hillary Clinton's statement that she had urged Wall Street to stop mortgage foreclosures. Sounds a lot like free houses! --Free stuff sounds good to many people, and it's not just Democrats who promise it.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Thursday, October 29, 2015

NOAA refuses to comply with House subpoena for documents on climate

It shouldn't surprise us that the NOAA refuses to release data on how they reached the conclusion that the earth was, indeed, warming. It is the only study showing an increase in temps over the last 15 years, thus any debunking would be injurious to the climate change cause. --Aside from the shocking arrogance in defying a subpoena from Congress, it's pretty obvious that the NOAA doesn't want to release the data because it will either show they cooked the books, or, as they've done in the past, misinterpreted the data. Smith can go to court, but by the time the issue is adjudicated, the next Congress will be sitting.

Read more at American Thinker
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Final pieces in place for Erdoğan’s alleged coup to take over Turkish government

Having made it no secret he seeks to transform Turkey so he can wield absolute authority with no checks and balances, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has allegedly begun the final push to implement a 'palace coup' and wrest control of the Turkish government from its parliament.

Read more at BGN News
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Q3 GDP Misses Expectations, Tumbles To 1.5% On Sliding Inventories

The long awaited inventory correction is finally arriving. Moments ago the BEA reported preliminary Q3 GDP, which at 1.49%, missed both sellside consensus expectations of 1.6%, and tumbled from the 3.9% reported in the second quarter as the quarterly volatility continues at an unprecedented pace. This was the second lowest quarterly GDP print since Q1 2014 excluding the "double seasonal adjustment" meant to cover up the collapse in Q1 2015 GDP.

Read more at Zero Hedge
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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Budget deal would nix popular Social Security claiming strategies

A budget agreement reached by congressional leaders and the White House would kill popular Social Security claiming strategies shortly after the measure becomes law, cutting off payments in midstream for beneficiaries, according to experts.

Read more at Investment News
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UK preacher Abu Qatada denounces 'filthy' Shia Muslims and vows Islam will 'dominate every land'

A radical hate preacher who fought a ten-year battle to avoid deportation from Britain claims Islam will rise up to 'dominate every land' and destroy the 'state of the Jews'. --Writing in the latest edition of Al Qaeda's online magazine, Abu Qatada also condemned 'filthy' Shia Muslims – aligning some of his ideology with arch enemies the Islamic State.

Read more at the UK Daily Mail
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South China Sea: Beijing 'not frightened to fight a war' after US move

China is not afraid of fighting a war against the United States in the South China Sea, a state-run newspaper with links to the Communist party has claimed. --Twenty-four hours after Washington challenged Beijing’s territorial claims in the region by deploying a warship to waters around the disputed Spratly archipelago, the notoriously nationalistic Global Times accused the Pentagon of provoking China.

Read more at the UK Guardian
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People In Sweden Are Hiding Cash In Their Microwaves - Cashless Society - Negative Interest Rates

Sweden is shaping up to be the first country to plunge its citizens into a fascinating — and terrifying — economic experiment: negative interest rates in a cashless society. --The Swedish central bank held its benchmark interest rate at -0.35% today, the level it has been at since July.

Read more at Business Insider
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Democrats’ plan to put ATF on steroids

The highly influential Center for American Progress, which has deep ties to the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton, recently released an extensive report calling for the nation's lead agency on gun regulation to be merged into the FBI. --The generalities of the center’s 182-page report were widely covered by media upon its release last May. However, the details in the report were largely unmentioned, including by conservative media agencies.

Read more at World Net Daily
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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How Do You Spell Apparent Fraud? The Clinton Foundation, Shady Accounting and AIDS

The Clinton Foundation has gotten a good deal of unflattering attention as of late, which isn’t surprising given that its best known namesakes are Bill, a former president and chronic philanderer, and Hillary, who hopes to be the nation’s next leader. Furthermore, the foundation portrays itself as do-gooder nonprofit organization but a cursory look reveals questionable and incomplete disclosures of its activities and accounts, as well as incredible misspending of donor money, virtually since its inception.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Islamic invasion pulls trigger: Europe now scrambles for guns

Austrians are arming themselves at record rates in an effort to defend their households against feared attacks from Muslim invaders. Tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” have poured into Austria from Hungary and Slovenia in recent months on their way to Germany and Sweden, two wealthy European countries that have laid out the welcome mat for migrants. More than a million will end up in Germany alone by the end of this year, according to estimates from the German government.

Read more at World Net Daily
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Feds Preparing to Undo ‘Citizens United’ by Forcing Disclosure of Donors to Conservative Groups

Two words that make foes of the First Amendment go crazy: Citizens" and "United." --Citizens United was the Supreme Court case that ruled the First Amendment applies to everyone: unions, individuals, and corporations supporting their interests through free speech. But the Federal Election Commission has started the process to undo the Citizens United case - and only one day remains for Americans to provide comments asking the FEC to respect the First Amendment.

Read more at PJ Media
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Monday, October 26, 2015

Ed Klein: The Day the White House Caught Hillary Red-Handed

From interview of Ed Klein by Newsmax: "[Jarrett] says 'we know you're using a private email server, we know that Bill is taking contributions to the Clinton Foundation when you're dealing with the same foreign governments that he's taking money from and we know that you're dealing with [your friend] Sydney Blumenthal. We want you to stop all this," Klein said. --"And she says literally, according to my sources, 'there's nothing further to discuss in this meeting' and she gets up and leaves … She always plays the victim card."

Read more at Newsmax Read More......

Poll: NRA more popular than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton

A new poll shows The National Rifle Association is more popular than the Democratic party's two most prominent members, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. --According to the Gallup Poll, 58 percent of Americans surveyed said they have a favorable view of the gun rights group, while 35 percent said they have an unfavorable view.

Read more at Fox News
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Unreal – Paul Ryan Announces Chamber of Commerce Lobbyist Will Be His Chief of Staff…

With this announcement representative Paul Ryan is openly announcing his intention to destroy the conservative elements within the republican party. And yet again, its doubtful anyone will try to stop him. --The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Tom Donohue, recently announced his intentions to eliminate opposition to their progressive big government positions and destroy fiscal conservatives (Tea Party).

Read more at the Conservative Treehouse
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Clinton: 'I Will Go As Far As I Can, Even Beyond Obama' To Welcome Illegal Immigrants

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, pledging to go "beyond President Obama" in embracing illegal immigrants, said that she will use executive powers as president to go around Congress to end deportations. --At Saturday's Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, she also called illegals "law abiding."

Read more at the Washington Examiner
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Sunday, October 25, 2015

China communist party paper says country should join U.S.-led trade pact

China should join at an appropriate time the U.S.-backed regional trade accord the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as its broad aims are in line with China's own economic reform agenda, an influential Communist Party newspaper said on Sunday. --China is not among the 12 Pacific Rim countries who earlier this month agreed the trade pact, the most ambitious in a generation. The accord includes Australia and Japan among economies worth a combined $28 trillion.

Read more at Reuters
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California’s Hidden Coal Use

California’s politicians would like you to believe that their electricity comes from non-coal sources. However, while there are very few coal plants in California, making up only 0.4 percent of the state’s generation in 2014[i], California imports electricity from neighboring states and as much as half of Southern California’s electric generation comes from coal-fired generating plants in Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.[ii] Although California is pushing electric vehicles, wanting 1.5 million on the road by 2025,[iii] the greenhouse gas savings from their use will be minuscule if electricity continues to be generated mainly from imports of coal-fired generation and natural gas that supplies the state with 60 percent of its electricity.

Read more at Institute for Energy Research
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Russian Presence Near Undersea Cables Concerns U.S.

Russian submarines and spy ships are aggressively operating near the vital undersea cables that carry almost all global Internet communications, raising concerns among some American military and intelligence officials that the Russians might be planning to attack those lines in times of conflict. The issue goes beyond old Cold War worries that the Russians would tap into the cables — a task American intelligence agencies also mastered decades ago. The alarm today is deeper: In times of tension or conflict, the ultimate Russian hack on the United States could involve severing the fiber-optic cables at some of their hardest-to-access locations to halt the instant communications on which the West’s governments, economies and citizens have grown dependent.

Read more at the NY Times
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Nearly everyone dislikes CISA, so Congress will make it law

After spending months mired in the Senate, the latest incarnation of the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) advanced to the floor this week and could face a vote as early as next week. The move to pass the CISPA rehash -- which the Obama administration has indicated it will sign -- comes despite mounting opposition from technology companies, security experts, and privacy advocates.
Read more at InfoWorld
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Muslim men having '20 children each' because of polygamy, peer claims

Muslim men in some communities are having up to 20 children each because of polygomy and the rise of "religiously sanctioned gender discrimination" under Sharia Law, peers have warned. Baroness Cox, a cross-bench peer, highlighted a series of "shocking" examples of the impact of Sharia law on Muslim women in Britain as she called for them to be given greater protection under equality legislation.

Read more at the UK Telegraph
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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Chamber’s Donohue ‘Doubling Down’ for 2016

Thomas Donohue, president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, pledged Friday to “double down” on Capitol Hill and on the campaign trail against the ultra-conservative forces that threaten the business community’s agenda. Those forces, which have helped buoy outsider presidential candidates such as Donald Trump, represent “an articulation of frustration” from the American people, Donohue said. Hard-line conservatives also helped wrest the gavel from chamber ally Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio.

Read more at Roll Call
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6 Key Exchanges From Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Testimony

In a much-anticipated hearing, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appeared Thursday before a panel of lawmakers tasked with investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya. --Clinton, who was secretary of state at the time of the attacks and resigned five months after, testified before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in an 11-hour hearing—the fourth public hearing since the committee’s inception in May 2014.

Read more at the Daily Signal
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Friday, October 23, 2015

Lois Lerner won't face charges in IRS scandal

Former IRS official Lois Lerner will not face any charges for her role in the scandal of her agency's decision to slow-walk decisions about the tax-exempt status of conservative groups, the Justice Department announced in a letter. --Snip-- The federal government is thus closing its nearly two-year inquiry into the matter without charging anyone. The investigation found "substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia leading to the belief by many tax-exempt applicants that the IRS targeted them based on their political viewpoints." --"But poor management is not a crime."

Read more at the Washington Examiner Read More......

Israel Defending Itself

Recent reports have indicated that hundreds of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps troops entered Syria in early September. Moreover, the accord on intelligence among Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria suggests Russian troops will be assisting the Iranians in the war against ISIS. That may not be all.

Read more at Accuracy in Media
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The ObamaCare Mandate Nightmare Comes To Small Businesses

The headline in the AP story says it all: "Crunch time at small businesses as health care demands loom." "Loom" is the right word. As the story explains, starting next year, the dreaded ObamaCare employer mandate kicks in for businesses with between 50 and 99 employees. That means they will all have to offer their full-time workers — which means anyone clocking in more than 30 hours a week — government-approved health benefits, or face a steep fine.

Read more at Investor's Business Daily
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Britain’s Insanely Expensive & Utterly Pointless Wind Power Fiasco Exposed

Yet another study showing why the “renewables,” in this case wind are not a viable source of electricity. Here it is in raw numbers, the variability, low reliability and nondispactibility that are the hallmarks of renewable energy. what doesn’t appear on this report are the consequences, in lost business and higher electric rates.

Read more here
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Taliban is capturing Afghanistan's $1 trillion mining wealth

Taliban fighters aren't just making gains on the battlefield: They're also bleeding away a revenue source that is crucial for Afghanistan to pay for its military without US help. --The Afghan government will earn about $30 million in 2015 from its mineral sector for the third straight year, far short of a previous projection of $1.5 billion, according to Mines and Petroleum Minister Daud Shah Saba. That's also a quarter of what smugglers -mostly linked to the Taliban and local warlords -earn annually selling rubies and emeralds, he said.

Read more at the India Times
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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Watch: Gowdy FINALLY Had A Chance To Confront Hillary To Her Face, And He Made It Count

Chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi Trey Gowdy wasted no words while explaining clearly and convincingly the purpose of the committee’s investigation and the reason former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was called to testify on Thursday. --“Madame Secretary, I understand some people — frankly in both parties — have suggested this investigation is about you,” Gowdy said in his opening statement. “Let me assure you it is not. And let me assure you why it is not. This work is about something much more important than any single person. It is about four U.S. government workers, including our Ambassador, murdered by terrorists on foreign soil. It is about what happened before, during, and after the attacks that killed these four men.”

Read more at Western Journalism
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Let's Help Refugees, but Stop Feeding the Refugee-Resettlement Industry

The mass-migration spectacle unfolding in Europe in recent months, preceded by news of destruction and mayhem committed by ISIS in Syria, has touched the hearts and consciences of Americans. Images of desperate, weary people trudging into Europe have prompted demands from faith leaders, members of Congress, refugee-resettlement contractors, and newspaper editorial boards for Americans to “do our part.”

Read more at National Review
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John Kerry: Bar Global Warming Skeptics From Elected Office

Secretary of State John Kerry says that global warming skeptics should be disqualified from "high public office." By all means, Secretary Kerry, let's allow you to unilaterally set the eligibility requirements for elected officials. We'll just turn it all over to you and your astute judgment.

Read more at Investor's Business Daily
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Hey, Paul Ryan: Remember Eric Cantor?

One of the most shocking upsets in 2014 was the primary defeat of the powerful Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor by tea party candidate David Brat. Brat was an underfunded unknown economics professor and yet battled successfully against Cantor's multi-million dollar campaign for reelection to Congress. His young campaign managers, Gray Delany and Zach Werrell, have written a great book released this week titled How to Bag A RINO.

Read more at Jewish World Review
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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Moderate Republicans’ Threat: Paul Ryan for Speaker—or We Quit

Some Re­pub­lic­ans are so des­per­ate for Paul Ry­an to step up as the next speak­er of the House that they’ve star­ted talk­ing about re­tir­ing if he doesn’t, ac­cord­ing to a group that works on be­half of the House GOP’s more mod­er­ate mem­bers. --After Ry­an, those mem­bers have no second choice or even a second tier of po­ten­tial speak­ers, said Sarah Cham­ber­lain, chief op­er­at­ing and fin­an­cial of­ficer for the Re­pub­lic­an Main Street Part­ner­ship, a group that backs “main­stream” Re­pub­lic­ans and plans to spend mil­lions help­ing them pro­tect their House seats in 2016.

Read more at the National Journal
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Paul Ryan: Job of U.S. Lawmaker is to Put Yourself in Shoes of Foreign Citizens

As the donor class continues to push for a Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)58% Speakership, conservative activists have renewed their scrutiny of Ryan’s support for a radical Republican policy of open borders. Breitbart News has discovered yet another little-noticed video in which Ryan articulates his commitment to immigration policies that would dissolve America’s sovereignty.

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“Abducting Women” and “Destroying Churches” is “Real Islam”—Iraqi Ayatollah

If they are people of the book [Jews and Christians] we demand of them the jizya—and if they refuse, then we fight them. That is if he is Christian. He has three choices: either convert to Islam, or, if he refuses and wishes to remain Christian, then pay the jizya [and live according to dhimmi rules]. But if they still refuse—then we fight them, and we abduct their women, and destroy their churches—this is Islam!

Read more at Human Events
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Cops are asking and 23andMe for their customers’ DNA

When companies like and 23andMe first invited people to send in their DNA for genealogy tracing and medical diagnostic tests, privacy advocates warned about the creation of giant genetic databases that might one day be used against participants by law enforcement. DNA, after all, can be a key to solving crimes. It “has serious information about you and your family,” genetic privacy advocate Jeremy Gruber told me back in 2010 when such services were just getting popular.

Read more at Fusion
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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Sen. Cruz: We Must Send the Message That Defiance of Our Laws Will No Longer Be Tolerated

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today delivered a speech on the Senate floor citing the Obama Administration’s persistent negligence of immigration law enforcement and bolstering the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act (S. 2146), of which he is a lead cosponsor, as a small step in the right direction. In addition to stripping certain federal funds from sanctuary jurisdictions, the legislation also incorporates critical elements of Kate’s Law, which Sen. Cruz introduced earlier this year, by imposing a five-year mandatory minimum sentence on any alien who illegally reenters the country after having been convicted of an aggravated felony or two prior illegal reentry offenses.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Colorado state pension plan to miss full-funding target by 14 years

Colorado’s pension plan is on track to be fully funded by 2055 — 14 years after the 2041 target date set by the Colorado Legislature in 2010. Now, lawmakers will need to decide if they want to stick to the 2041 target date, or agree that it will take longer than they planned for the Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association to have the money to pay for the promised benefits to PERA’s 529,000.

Read more at Denver Business Journal
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Feds dangle $12,000 bonus to firms that hire foreign students

The Department of Homeland Security is readying a plan to expand a program that pays U.S. employers to hire foreign STEM students taught in America, a move that could end up punishing American college grads and even the elderly, according to an immigration think tank. --In pushing to allow more foreign students into the so-called "optional practical training program," DHS said that it will help businesses and colleges by keeping those foreign students in the U.S. following their American-taught science, technology, engineering, and math, or STEM, curriculum.

Read more at the Washington Examiner
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The Democrats' Preoccupation with Inequality

If you want to understand today's Democratic Party, a word search of the Democrats' debate last week provides a pretty clear picture. Here is how many times key words were spoken: Wall Street: 23, Tax: 20, Inequality: 9, Wealthy: 7. --Now, compare the number of times other national concerns were mentioned: ISIS: 4, Terror/ists/ism: 2, Defense: 2, Military (excluding Jim Webb): 1, Freedom: 1, Debt (national): 0, Liberty: 0, Strength: 0, Armed forces: 0, Islamist/Islamic: 0. Material inequality is the predominant concern of the Democratic Party. Indeed, material inequality has been the predominant concern of the left since Karl Marx.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Monday, October 19, 2015

New Obama Terror Czar Will Target Conservatives, Christians

The Obama administration's increasingly controversial Justice Department, in partnership with the ultra-leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, announced the creation of a new czar position to focus on “domestic terrorism” — especially the alleged threat from Christians and Americans with “anti-government” views. While ostensibly created to serve as a coordination office overseeing domestic terror cases, critics and analysts are sounding the alarm, warning that the administration is plotting to go after its political opponents with the full force of the federal government.

Read more at the New American
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Hamas Orders Suicide Bombings in Jerusalem

Hamas issues new orders for an escalation in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, while Fatah says it can 'blow up buses in Tel Aviv.' --Hamas in Gaza has ordered its terrorists in Judea and Samaria to conduct suicide bombings in the region as well as in Jerusalem, in a call that has Israeli security forces preparing against potential bombings that could reach anywhere in the country.

Read more at Arutz Sheva
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Time for Senate Geezers to Go

If the United States has any chance of changing the disastrous course on which it is currently embarked, then significant electoral reforms are needed. As things stand, too few politicians wield too much power for far too long. --J.R.R. Tolkien’s Ring of Power is perhaps the best metaphor for actual power found in literature: The more the bearer wears the ring, the more “addicted” to its powers and pleasures he becomes, and the more enthralled to the Dark Lord.

Read more at PoliZette
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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Obama Plans Takedown of Another U.S. Ally

President Obama failed to take out Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but now he’s going after Canada’s Conservative Party Prime Minister Stephen Harper, a big supporter of Israel and opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin. --It’s a story the U.S. media won’t cover. But Judi McLeod of the Canada Free Press has been documenting how Obama is planning the “fundamental transformation” of Canada by taking down Harper’s government and bringing to power a progressive majority assembled from Canada’s Liberal Party and New Democratic Party (NDP), an affiliate of the Socialist International.

Read more at Accuracy in Media
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Sanders and Clinton vs. Capitalism

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, along with other Democratic presidential candidates, were in Las Vegas, a city that does not believe in stifling commercialism, at the Wynn hotel, where suites go for as much as $900 per night. They came to deplore the evils of capitalism. The senator from Vermont identifies himself as a "democratic socialist," and he's no pretender. In 1985, as mayor of Burlington, he traveled to Nicaragua to celebrate the sixth anniversary of what he called the "heroic revolution" of the Marxist Sandinistas.

Read more at Townhall
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When did Democrats become the party of free stuff?

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio was quick to connect policies embraced during the recent Democratic debate to broad promises of more government giveaways. --“It was basically a liberal-versus-liberal debate about who was going to give away the most free stuff,” Rubio told Fox News. “Free college education, free college education for people illegally in this country, free health care, free everything.”

Read more at Latest World-Wide News
(Hat tip: KimR)

Sometimes humor says it best... The Straight Stuff on Free Stuff

The folks who are getting free stuff,
Don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff,
Because the folks who are paying for the free stuff,
Can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.
And, the folks who are paying for the free stuff,
Want the free stuff to stop.

And the folks who are getting the free stuff,
Want even MORE free stuff on top of the free stuff they're getting already!

Now..... The people who are forcing people to PAY for the free stuff,
Have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff,
That the people who are PAYING for the free stuff,
Are being mean, prejudiced and racist.

So ..... the people who are GETTING the free stuff,
Have been convinced they need to HATE the people who are PAYING for the free stuff because they are selfish and they are promised more free stuff if they will vote for the people who force the people who pay for the free stuff, to give them even more free stuff.

And - - - - - that's the straight stuff!
Read More......

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Clinton Library's Doc Dump Reveals CRA Fueled Subprime Bubble

Subprime Scandal: Newly released memos from the Clinton presidential library reveal evidence the government had a big hand in the housing crisis. The worst actors were in the White House, not on Wall Street. --During the 1990s, former Clinton aides bragged that more aggressive enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act pressured banks to issue riskier mortgages, lending more proof the anti-redlining law fueled the crisis.

Read More at Investor's Business Daily
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

What life in socialist Europe is actually like

After spending years living in socialist Germany and exploring all over Europe, what is striking is that, even in one of the wealthiest non-U.S. places on Earth, it is all about learning to do without. --Let's examine the facts: --There is a crushing 20% sales tax on everything. There is also a TV tax, a radio tax, a dog tax, a death tax of up to 50%, and every other kind of tax you could possibly imagine...for a grand total of about 60-65% of your income (unless you have already been brutalized into poverty by this system, in which case you get welfare).

Read more at the Examiner
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Congress Looks to Cut U.S. Aid to Palestinians Amid Terror Campaign

Momentum is building on Capitol Hill for a new congressional resolution that would cut more than $5 billion in U.S. aid to the Palestinians as a result of an increase in violence that has claimed the lives of at least eight Israelis and wounded many more, according to a copy of the measure viewed by the Free Beacon. --The bill comes amid criticism from lawmakers about the Obama administration’s response to the terrorism and efforts to blame Israel for the violence.

Read more at the Washington Free Beacon
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Islamic State is making these Afghans long for the Taliban

When the Islamic State fighters seized the Mahmand Valley, they poured pepper into the wounds of their enemies, said villagers. Then, they seared their hands in vats of boiling oil. A group of villagers was blindfolded, tortured and blown apart with explosives buried underneath them. --“They pulled out my brother’s teeth before they forced him to sit on the bombs,” recalled Malik Namos, a tribal elder who escaped the valley along with thousands of other villagers. “They are more vicious than the Taliban, than any group we have seen.”

Read more at the Washington Post
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Rep. Webster's agenda could force changes in House

U.S. Rep. Daniel Webster's bid to become the next House speaker may fail, but his crusade seeking more power for rank-and-file members could influence how the eventual winner rules the chamber, experts say. --Webster, 66, R-Fla., is running a dark-horse campaign trying to force changes to House rules. He also wants to give greater priority to the massive, divisive bills such as the budgets, rather than allowing them to become political chess pieces at the end of each session.

Read more at The Ledger
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Friday, October 16, 2015

New England's Power Shortage Gets Worse

There they go again. New England authorities are passively accepting the closing of the Pilgrim Nuclear Reactor, one of the region’s four remaining reactors, which Entergy announced it will shutter up by 2019. The loss is 685 megawatts or 5 percent of New England’s electricity. --Once again a reactor has been deemed too expensive to operate because nuclear gets absolutely no credit for delivering clean, emissions-free energy. As it happens, Pilgrim was delivering 84 percent of the clean energy in the state of Massachusetts. The closing leaves only the Seabrook reactor in New Hampshire and Connecticut’s two Millstone reactors, which delivers 47 percent of the Nutmeg state’s energy.

Read more at Real Clear Energy
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Germany's 'wilkommen' to Muslims will include publishing Mein Kampf

Just as hundreds of thousands of Muslims are arriving in Germany at the invitation of Chancellor Merkel, the publication of Mein Kampf will resume after decades of suppression.  And it will be Merkel’s government that is paying for the publishing.  William Bigelow of Breitbart reports:
Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler’s malevolent and malignant anti-Semitic manifesto, will be sold in German bookstores starting in January. The Munich-based Institute of Contemporary History (IFZ), funded by the German government, has edited an annotated version of the book, and will publish it after the copyright held by the German state of Bavaria expires in January 2016.
Read more at American Thinker
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FBI Ticked About Obama's Ignorant Statement Claiming Hillary's Server Didn't Compromise

During an interview with 60 Minutes last weekend, President Obama made the bold and ignorant claim that Hillary Clinton's use of a private server during her time at the State Department didn't compromise U.S. national security. --"It is important for her to answer these questions to the satisfaction of the American public," Obama claimed. "I can tell you that this is not a situation in which America’s national security was endangered.” --Not only was Obama's statement out of line during an ongoing criminal FBI investigation of the former Secretary of State and Democrat presidential candidate, it holds no merit with the facts we already know.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Chinese media: military must be ready to counter US in South China Sea

Editorial in Global Times, which is close to Communist rulers, condemns Washington’s ‘ceaseless provocations and coercion’ --Chinese media criticised the US on Thursday for “ceaseless provocations” in the South China Sea, with Washington expected to soon send warships close to artificial islands Beijing has built in disputed waters. --An editorial in the Global Times, which is close to China’s ruling Communist party, condemned US “coercion”, adding: “China mustn’t tolerate rampant US violations of China’s adjacent waters and the skies over those expanding islands.”

Read more at the UK Guardian
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

The Myth Of Integration: Muslims In Europe Getting More Radical With Time, Not Less

Research in the European microcosm nation of Denmark has found three-quarters of Muslims in the country register on an important measure for radicalisation – more now than a decade ago. Whereas 10 years ago Muslims in Denmark could have been considered to be comparatively moderate, today a poll by newspaper Jyllands-Posten finds attitudes have hardened – and the younger the Muslim, the more likely they are to hold hard-line views.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Obamacare’s Mysterious Missing Billions

Obamacare, depending on who you ask in the GOP, is either a calculated Trojan Horse designed to collapse and release single payer health care upon the American public, a flawed piece of legislation that needs badly to be revised, or the greatest evil inflicted on the American public since slavery. But what if it was something far simpler: namely, free money for Democrats? A recent report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to congressional requesters provided to this author suggests that this explanation may, in fact, be the correct one.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Saudis, ISIS, Al-Qaeda Agree: Time for Jihad Against Russia

The leader of al-Qaeda linked group al-Nusra Front is encouraging jihadists in the Caucasus to attack Russia. His call follows similar condemnation of Russia from rival jihadi group the Islamic State (ISIS) and a number of Saudi clerics. --“If the Russian army kills the people of Syria, then kill their people. And if they kill our soldiers, then kill their soldiers. An eye for an eye,” declared Abu Mohamed al-Jolani.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Have archaeologists discovered the biblical city of Sodom?

This is a non-political story (but a very cool one nonetheless) which I was first alerted to by John Hawkins at Right Wing News. Archaeologists who have been busily digging into a massive mound in southern Jordan for the last ten years are growing increasingly convinced that they have located the city of Sodom, famously known in the Bible for having been struck down by God due to the sinful ways of its residents. While there aren’t any postcards with “Welcome to Sodom” emblazoned in neon, the ruins are definitely the remains of a massive city-state which thrived from 3500 to 1540 B.C. before suddenly being abandoned with a large layer of ash over it.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

For the first time, more American women than men hold bachelor's degrees

Since the 1970s, women have outnumbered men at the undergraduate level in the United States. However, according to recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau, it wasn't until last year that the percentage of women with a bachelor's degree (32 percent) surpassed the percentage of men with one (31.9 percent).

Read more at The Week
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sen. Whitsett: Climate Alarmists Seek to Squash Dissent

Climate alarmists are losing the debate on man-caused global warming and climate change. The dire scenarios predicted by their computer modelling have failed to materialize. All of the glaring differences between their computer-modelled temperature predictions and empirically measured global temperature are becoming plain for everyone to see. [Snip] [T]he liberal progressive left has recently enlisted a desperate new tactic. Incredibly, they are now attempting to silence the scientific community through threats of sanctions, retaliation and criminal charges. Their efforts to censor dissent is becoming more frantic and strident.

Read more at News from Doug Whitsett Read More......

Making It All Up: The behavioral sciences scandal

One morning in August, the social science reporter for National Public Radio, a man named Shankar Vedantam, sounded a little shellshocked. You couldn’t blame him. --Like so many science writers in the popular press, he is charged with reporting provocative findings from the world of behavioral science: “.  .  . and researchers were very surprised at what they found.

Read more at the Weekly Standard
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Obama Explains His Syria Failure on 60 Minutes

It's well worth watching, especially the sections on the president's failed actions regarding Syria. Recall that back in the day, Candidate Obama campaigned against "dumb wars" and then managed to triple troop strength in Afghanistan while also pushing hard at various points in Iraq as well. Without congressional approval, he joined NATO strikes against Libya that unseated longtime tyrant Moammar Qaddafi and plunged that hellhole into its current anarchy.

Read more at Reason
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Michael Isikoff: Blumenthal E-mail to Hillary Is ‘Evidence of a Commission of a Federal Crime’

Investigative journalist Michael Isikoff reports that an e-mail Sidney Blumenthal sent Hillary Clinton while secretary of State revealed the name of a CIA operator, putting the spy’s life at risk. Appearing Monday on Morning Joe, Isikoff said the e-mail, which Clinton forwarded to one of her State Department colleagues, is “evidence of a commission of a federal crime by somebody,” though not necessarily Clinton. .”

Read more at National Review
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Monday, October 12, 2015

Alaska Renames Columbus Day ‘Indigenous Peoples Day’

Alaska has officially renamed Columbus Day “Indigenous Peoples Day,” joining a growing body of local governments moving in that direction. --In an executive proclamation, Gov. Bill Walker wrote that “Alaska is built upon the homelands and communities of the Indigenous Peoples of this region, without whom the building of the state would not be possible.”


Related: Why the Left Hates Columbus Read More......

Doctors Without Borders Ignored Geneva Rules Before U.S. Air Attack

Doctors Without Borders flew no internationally-recognized medical insignia on the rooftop of its Kunduz, Afghanistan, hospital that was mistakenly attacked October 3 by U.S. military aircraft, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. The relief group – also known as Medecins Sans Frontiers – failed to display a Red Cross, Red Crescent or Red Lion and Sun, the universally recognized medical emblems since 1949 that identify buildings that must be protected to attacking aircraft during wartime under Article 38 of the Geneva Accords.

Read more at the Daily Caller
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Farrakhan hate fest threatens 'reparations, or else!'

Louis Farrakhan commemorated the 20th anniversary of the so-called “Million Man March” Saturday with the kind of hate fest that would have made the KKK or skinheads proud. The rally was called “Justice or Else!” – a threat aimed at the heart of America. --This demagogue has openly incited violence against whites and police in the lead-up to the event, and a number of speakers Saturday followed suit.

Read more at World Net Daily
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Turkey threatens the major prospects for Eastern Med gas supply

As Europe seeks to diversify its sources of natural gas as an alternative to the politically sensitive Russian supply, a massive off-shore gas source in the Mediterranean is ready for exploration and drilling. There are game-changing stakes at play. --Unfortunately, the Turkish leadership has threatened to use force to stop this from happening.

Read more at Security Europe
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ACU: Marsha Blackburn Has Highest Score on Conservative Member Scorecard for Speaker of the House

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) would make a great conservative Speaker of the House, suggests the American Conservative Union’s member scorecard. The American Conservative Union’s (ACU) Executive Director Daniel Schneider joined guest host Matthew Boyle on Breitbart News Sunday on SiriusXM, expressing that, out of the names that have been thrown out there for Speaker of the House, he thinks Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has the highest score by the ACU.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

What Gun-Control Advocates Mean but Dare Not Say: Guns Should Be Confiscated

Charles Krauthammer - There’s the cycle of poverty. There’s the cycle of violence. And then there’s the cycle of gun talk. It starts with a mass shooting. Gun-control advocates blame the deaths on gun-control opponents, who argue, in turn, that none of the proposed restrictions would have had any effect on the incident in question. The debate goes nowhere. The media move on. Until the next incident, when the cycle begins again. ---So with the Roseburg massacre in Oregon. Within hours, President Obama takes to the microphones to furiously denounce the NRA and its ilk for resisting “commonsense gun-safety laws.” His harangue is totally sincere, totally knee-jerk, and totally pointless. At the time he delivers it, he — and we — know practically nothing about the shooter, nothing about the weapons, nothing about how they were obtained.

Read more at National Review

Related: Stop Pretending that Ending Mass Shootings Is a Matter of ‘Common Sense’ Read More......

Sunday, October 11, 2015

California opens to the door to more voter fraud with new motor voter law

California’s Governor had a busy weekend, breaking out his pen and signing nearly two dozen bills into law. Most of them centered on the voting process in the Golden State, but while liberals are taking a victory lap there are hints that these maneuvers are going to signal trouble down the line. The big ticket item in the legislative package was the “New Motor Voter Law.” This brainstorm will make voter registration automatic for any person receiving a new driver’s license or renewing an existing one.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

INTERRUPTING WHITENESS National Education Conf Blame White Teachers & Students for School Woes

Obama wanted "a national conversation on race." This conference is what he meant: "interrupting whiteness" in American schools, "challenging white supremacy," and eliminating the "white privilege" of Caucasian students. A major national conference for teachers and school administrators starting on Saturday, October 10, in Baltimore will focus exclusively on race and racism, featuring workshops on “interrupting whiteness” in American schools, the “dominance of White supremacy” in society, “White privilege” enjoyed by Caucasian students, “white domination of thought,” and how to “decenter whiteness.”

Read more at PJ Media
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Furious Charity Pulls Calais Camp Funding After 'Migrants BURN Food and Clothes'

A CHARITY has stopped providing aid to the Calais 'jungle' because aid workers have concluded the majority of migrants in the camp do not need to be there. --The Human Relief Foundation (HRF) has been giving aid to the migrant camp with the belief that its occupants are fleeing war-torn countries like Syria. However, the charity decided to pull the plug after its deputy chief executive Kassim Tokan recently paid a visit to Calais.

Read more at the UK Express
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‘Sanctuary cities’ divide GOP

A battle over “sanctuary cities” is dividing Senate Republicans. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has teed up legislation that would crack down on cities that don't comply with federal immigration law. But its unclear whether the bill can get through the Senate — and not just because of opposition from Democrats.

Read more at The Hill
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Saturday, October 10, 2015

University of Toronto Dumps Transgender Bathrooms After Peeping Incidents

The administration at the University of Toronto was recently enlightened on why two separate washrooms are generally established for men and women sharing co-ed residencies. --The University is temporarily changing its policy on gender-neutral bathrooms after two separate incidents of "voyeurism" were reported on campus September 15 and 19. Male students within the University’s Whitney Hall student residence were caught holding their cellphones over female students’ shower stalls and filming them as they showered.

Read more at the Daily Wire
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

U.S. Army hearing officer recommends no jail for Bergdahl

The U.S. military officer who headed a hearing in the case of accused deserter Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl recommended that the man held captive by the Taliban in Afghanistan should not be sent to a military prison, Bergdahl’s lawyers said. --In a memorandum issued on Friday, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Visger, the presiding officer at the so-called Article 32 hearing last month in San Antonio, recommended “non-judicial punishment” for Bergdahl, the lawyers said.

Read more at One America News Network
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Buried in the Fed minutes is another downgrade to the U.S. economy

A goal of a 4% economy? That objective, mentioned frequently in the 2016 presidential race, is getting farther away, according to the latest projections from the staff of the Federal Reserve. --Minutes of the Fed’s Sept. 16-17 policy meeting disclose the Fed staff further trimmed its assumptions for the rates of productivity and potential growth over the medium term. The minutes did not specifically quantify the new forecast of the Fed’s in-house economists.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Wanted: a Tea Party Speaker

IN an earlier, cozier Washington, D.C., John Boehner could have been the kind of House speaker whose memory is held dear by high-minded chin strokers on Sunday morning television programs: An icon of sadly bygone bipartisanship, a cutter of the grandest bargains, a man who, by God, made legislation move. --In this Washington, D.C., alas for him, Boehner was a humble bomb defuser, and the only grand bargains he cut were between his more intransigent backbenchers and the demands of political and constitutional reality. And now D.C. looks at his record, his resignation and his possible successors and asks: Can anyone do better?

Read more at the New York Times
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Obama Administration Bans All Pork Products From Prison Menus

The federal Bureau of Prisons, a subdivision of President Barack Obama's Justice Department, has banished all pork products from the menus in all federal prisons ... The government says it made the decision to do this because a survey showed that inmates do not like eating pork products.

Read more at CNS News
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Friday, October 9, 2015

D’Souza To Lift The Veil On The Democratic Party In New Film

On Glenn Beck's radio show on September 28, Dinesh D’Souza joined Glenn to discuss a new film he’s creating with Gerald Molen, producer of "Schindler’s List," "Jurassic Park" and other classics. The new film, called "Stealing America," will open during the Democratic Convention in July 2016. Watch the video below or read the transcript of the show at Dinesh D' D'Souza and Molen plan to explore the secret history of progressivism and of the Democratic Party.

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Hammonds to serve 5 years in prison

Today two Oregon ranchers were sentenced to five years in federal prison under terrorism statutes for setting preventative fires on their own land. We are gravely disappointed at this outcome. “Elderly Harney County rancher Dwight Hammond and his son, Steven, a former OFB Board member and Harney County Farm Bureau president, have already served time in federal prison for their mistakes and paid their debt to society for the less-than-140 acres of BLM land that was accidentally impacted by the fires.

Read more at Tri-State Livestock News
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The pain of transgender regret

At the age of 42, Walt Heyer was married and had two children. But he had felt for years that he was stuck in the wrong gender. So he fully transitioned and emerged as Laura Jensen. After living as a woman for eight years, he realised that he had made a terrible mistake. Now he has detransitioned back to his birth gender and provides encouragement to people who regret their gender change.

Read more at Mercatornet
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Green Reverse: Denmark Abandons Climate Change Targets, Scraps Electric Car Subsidies

Denmark is slowly retreating from some of its most ambitious, self-regarding climate initiatives. In an unforeseen attack of common sense, the government is readying to end its generous tax breaks for citizens who buy low-carbon vehicles because of the expense imposed on the public purse.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Video: Czech doctor reveals horrific reality of Muslim migrants in Germany

A Czech doctor working in Germany has threatened to leave the country over what is happening with the flood of Muslim migrants.  The story she relates is horrific, and it’s one that needs to be heard — or read. --Since the press is forbidden from reporting on the true situation and social media giants like Facebook are working to stifle stories like this, she relayed the story in an email letter read by an independent Czech television host.  An English translation of that letter follows the video at link below.

Read more at Conservative Firing Line
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Thursday, October 8, 2015

McConnell Capitulates To Cruz On Immigration

How many times have we been told that Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, running for the GOP presidential nomination, is an ineffective "wacko bird,"in Arizona Sen. John McCain's insulting words? now looks like he's ended up being very effective in getting the Senate to do something about illegal alien violent criminals. --The first piece of legislation the U.S. Senate will take up after its October recess will be a measure that includes Cruz-backed Kate's Law, imposing a mandatory five years in prison for deported aliens who re-enter America illegally.

Read more at Investor's Business Daily
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

CNN Report Shows White Hands for Oregon Shooter's Mom

CNN has denied claims by conservative websites that a photo of Chris Harper-Mercer, the man who shot and killed nine people at Umpqua Community College in Oregon last week, was altered to make him appear white. But a report on his mother, who is black, used footage of white hands to illustrate her making web postings on Tuesday.

Read more at Newsmax 
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Culture — Not Genetics — Is the Key to Success

The prevailing social dogma of our time — that economic and other disparities among groups are strange, if not sinister — has set off bitter disputes between those who blame genetic differences and those who blame discrimination. Both sides ignore the possibility that the groups themselves may differ in their orientations, their priorities, and in what they are prepared to sacrifice for the sake of other things.

Read more at National Review
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Boehner pushes back Majority Leader, Whip elections to November

The calendar for new House leadership elections has been pushed back, meaning that the scrambling for position, internal sniping and various bits of dirty laundry being aired is going to stretch on for nearly two more months. Originally we expected to see nominations for the new Speaker and the election of the new Majority Leader and GOP Whip taking place this Thursday, but this afternoon John Boehner threw a wrench in those plans and pushed things back to after he’s left the building. (Washington Post)

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Driven by profit, hatred of U.S., ex-Soviet nuclear smugglers seek Islamist clients

Over the pulsating beat at an exclusive nightclub, the arms smuggler made his pitch to a client: €2.5 million for enough radioactive cesium to contaminate several city blocks. --It was earlier this year, and the two men were plotting their deal at an unlikely spot: the terrace of Cocos Prive, a dance club and sushi bar in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. --“You can make a dirty bomb, which would be perfect for the Islamic State,” the smuggler said. “If you have a connection with them, the business will go smoothly.”

Read more at the Japan Times
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Combat of Champions

Paul Richter and Brian Bennett of the Los Angeles Times argue that the Russian strongman is doing something very peculiar in modern history. He is engaging in single combat with the Leader of the Free World. Putin is tearing down one man and not as one would expect, the entire system of a rival nation state in order to gain success. They write, “Putin is using his Syria gambit to disparage Obama”.

Read more at Belmont Club Read More......

GOP meeting erupts over Ex-Im power move

Conservative frustration over Republican efforts to force a House vote on reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank boiled over Wednesday during a contentious GOP meeting. --Members of the conference’s conservative wing criticized Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) at the meeting for moving to file a discharge petition to bring a vote on legislation renewing the embattled bank’s charter for five years, after it lapsed June 30 because of Tea Party opposition.

Read more at The Hill
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

A New Global Police to Fight “Violent Extremism” in the U.S.?

The Obama administration plans to create a global police force that counters “violent extremism” in the United States and elsewhere. -- The problem is that in Obama-speak “violent extremism” refers not only to jihadists wishing to harm Americans but also to conservatives and Tea Party activists. Just ask all the law-abiding right-of-center nonprofit groups targeted by Lois Lerner’s IRS during the Obama presidency.

Read more at Frontpage Magazine
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Right Now There Are 102.6 Million Working Age Americans That Do Not Have A Job

The federal government uses very carefully manipulated numbers to cover up the crushing economic depression that is going on in this nation. For the month of September, the federal government told us that 142,000 jobs were added to the economy. If that was actually true, that would barely be enough to keep up with population growth. Sadly, the truth is that the real numbers were actually far worse than that. The unadjusted numbers show that the U.S. economy actually lost 248,000 jobs in September and the government added more than a million Americans to the “not in the labor force” category. When I first saw that number I truly believed that it was inaccurate. But you can find the raw figures right here.

Read more at TEC
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Roseburg Rally Goes Viral, Patriots Standing Nationwide

It’s been roughly 36 hours since a patriot in Oregon—local activist Casey Runyan—posted on Facebook to say that “on Friday, we assemble.” Runyan’s words were a direct call to patriots in the Pacific NW to stand with citizens in Roseburg who have already made it clear that Obama is not welcome there for his planned visit on Friday. The call was regional…but the answer was national. The rally went viral. Not even the mainstream Obama cheering section can ignore it anymore.

Read more at The Patrick Henry Society
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Left-Right Divide on Gun Control:The Left asks,“Does it feel good?” The Right asks,“Does it do good?

Assuming that there are good and bad people on both the right and the left and that everyone is horrified by mass shootings, how is one to explain the great divide between the Right and the Left on the gun issue as it relates to mass murders, such as the one recently committed at Umpqua Community College? Why does the Left focus on more gun-control laws, and why doesn’t the Right? One reason the Right doesn’t focus on gun-control laws is quintessentially American. Many Americans believe that it is their right — and even their duty — to own guns for self-protection. Unique among major democratic and industrialized nations, Americans have traditionally believed in relying on the state as little as possible.

Read more at National Review
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Workers remove Ten Commandments monument from Oklahoma Capitol grounds

Workers began removing a Ten Commandments monument from the grounds of the Oklahoma Capitol late Monday in accordance with a court order. --The Daily Oklahoman reported that the six-foot high monument would be reinstalled outside the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, a conservative think tank.

Read more at Fox News
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Oregon Community Rocked By Campus Shooting: We Don't Want Obama Here

Just hours after the mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Rosenberg, Oregon last week, President Obama stepped to the microphones at the White House to deliberately politicize the tragedy in the name of gun control. --“Somebody, somewhere will comment and say, Obama politicized this issue. Well, this is something we should politicize,” he said, admittedly without all of the facts surrounding the situation. "We should be changing these [gun control] laws."

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Obama’s DOJ Sues Small Town for Nixing Rezoning Plan to Build Mosque

The Obama Justice Department is suing an Illinois town for denying a rezoning application to convert an office building into an Islamic temple. Anywhere American law and Islamic law conflict, it’s American law that has to give way. --Islamic supremacists and Muslim Brotherhood organizations like CAIR have once again called upon their running dogs at the Department of Justice, to impose the sharia and usurp American law for Islamic law. The DoJ has become the de facto legal arm of terror-tied Muslim Brotherhood groups in this country. What small town can go up against the U.S. government’s vast resources and endless taxpayer-funded muscle?

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

We Continually Underestimate Russian President Putin

A few months ago I attended a two day conference on the subject of the future of U.S.-Russian relations, attended by an impressive array of officials from Administrations past and present and experts on things Russian. One of the subjects discussed was the possibilities for additional, even more dangerous crises between our two countries. There were lots of potential flash points identified, beyond the current crisis in Ukraine, ranging from the Baltics to Kaliningrad, Moldova, Kazakhstan and the Arctic. But for each of these there were also “cooler” heads who argued that it would be stupid for Putin to initiate a new crisis in any of these places.

Read more at Real Clear Defense
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Trade ministers reached a landmark agreement on a deal that’s a cornerstone of Obama’s legacy

Pacific trade ministers have reached a deal on the most sweeping trade liberalization pact in a generation that will cut trade barriers and set common standards for 12 countries, an official familiar with the talks said on Monday. --Leaders from a dozen Pacific Rim nations are poised to announce the pact later on Monday. The deal could reshape industries and influence everything from the price of cheese to the cost of cancer treatments.

Read more at Business Insider
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Monday, October 5, 2015

California Conservatives: Doing Something About Illegal Immigration

“What’s an angry conservative to do?” Kurt Schlicter lamented in his latest piece. I hardly blame the guy. We need fighters, not flighters, men and women of principle who will stand up to Big Everything, and not back down. The Old Guard of the GOP seems content to barely get by, and give in every time funding for an officious institution comes up for reauthorization. US Senator Ted Cruz blasted the leadership in both chambers, outlining how they give up the fight before the conflict begins. So, what’s an angry conservative to do? Stop waiting for someone else, for starters. Then Do something!

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

The 'Refugee Crisis': Muslim History vs. Western Fantasy

One of the primary reasons Islamic and Western nations are “worlds apart” is because the way they understand the world is worlds apart. Whereas Muslims see the world through the lens of history, the West has jettisoned or rewritten history to suit its ideologies. This dichotomy of Muslim and Western thinking is evident everywhere. When the Islamic State declared that it will “conquer Rome” and “break its crosses,” few in the West realized that those are the verbatim words and goals of Islam’s founder and his companions as recorded in Muslim sources—words and goals that prompted over a thousand years of jihad on Europe.

Read more at Frontpage Magazine
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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Comparing Death Rates from Mass Public Shootings and Mass Public Violence in the US and Europe

In his address to the nation after the Charleston attack, Obama claimed: “we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.” --Senator Harry Reid made a similar statement on June 23rd: “The United States is the only advanced country where this type of mass violence occurs. Let’s do something. We can expand, for example, background checks. … We should support not giving guns to people who are mentally ill and felons.”

Read more at Crime Research
(Hat tip: KimR)

Note: Remember the Department of Homeland Security's 2009 controversial report released with the blessings of then Secretary Janet Napolitano regarding right-wing extremists and returning veterans. Today's leftists appear to believe that anyone to the right of center politically suffers from a mental illness. Who wants these folks re-defining 'mental illness' to determine who can own a gun? See Washington Times article. --bc Read More......

The Moscow-Washington-Tehran Axis of Evil

The conventional wisdom is that Vladimir Putin has blindsided Barack Obama in the Middle East, catching the U.S. off-guard. It’s another Obama “failure,” we’re told. “Obama administration scrambles as Russia attempts to seize initiative in Syria,” is how a Washington Post headline described it. A popular cartoon shows Putin kicking sand in the faces of Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry on a beach. --The conventional wisdom is driven by the notion that Obama has the best of intentions but that he’s been outmaneuvered. What if his intention all along has been to remake the Middle East to the advantage of Moscow and its client state Iran?

Read more at Accuracy in Media
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Iraqi PM to share anti-ISIS intel with Russia

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al Abadi announced on Saturday that Iraq will share anti-ISIS intelligence with Russia, Iran and Syria if cooperation is requested. --“We have been fighting ISIS more than a year and we have some important security information that no other country has regarding ISIS,” Abadi stated during a press conference which took place at the presidential office in the capital.

Read more at TRT World
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Saturday, October 3, 2015

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter... – A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted…

...Yesterday, while reviewing the social footprint of Oregon shooter Chris Harper-Mercer, an almost identical world-view to Eric Sheppard Jr. was evident in Mercer’s social media history. --Chris Harper-Mercer, a mixed-race angry 26-year-old, was essentially the mirror image on social media as Eric Sheppard Jr. --Mercer held sympathetic words and thoughts for the Virginia shooter Vester Flanagan, and similarly raged against white people, and expressed sympathy toward the Black Lives Matter movement.

Read more at the Conservative Treehouse
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

The Day Christians Were Martyred on American Soil

Life or death was determined by the answer to a single question: are you a Christian? --That was the question asked by an anti-Christian gunman who stormed into a classroom at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College [Thursday, October 1st]. --Eyewitnesses say the shooter targeted Christians.

Read more at Fox News
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Shocker: Pretty Much Everything Obama Said About Gun Violence Was Wrong

The president’s emotional plea for us to politicize mass shootings to curb Second Amendment rights was explicitly clear Thursday night. The president cited what he considers to be the facts that support his narrative on the issue of gun violence in America. Namely, that the American people, including gun owners, want stricter gun laws, that it’s easy to obtain firearms, and that the UK and Australia have passed laws that reduced mass shootings.

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Friday, October 2, 2015

Forget Oregon’s Gunman. Remember the Hero Who Charged Straight at Him.

The one to remember is 30-year-old Chris Mintz, the student and Army vet who was shot at least five times while charging straight at the gunman in an effort to save others. --Mintz did so on the sixth birthday of his son, Tyrik. --“It’s my son’s birthday, it’s my son’s birthday,” he was heard saying as he lay wounded.

Read more at The Daily Beast Read More......

55 Conservative Leaders Release Vision For New Congressional Leadership Letter

Republican leaders have a responsibility to better align their party’s policy stances with founding American principles, the U.S. Constitution, and the will and consent of the American people against the threats facing this nation right now. Congressional leaders represent more than merely the internal majority of their respective chambers. They become national leaders of the entire Republican Party and, when in the majority, the citizens of every state. This is the essence of self-government.

Read more at Citizens United
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Another Secret Service Scandal — This One’s Not Just About Sex or Drugs

Let’s not shy away from what the Secret Service actually was up to in the matter of its illegal spying on Representative Jason Chaffetz: conspiracy to commit blackmail against a member of Congress. --Representative Chaffetz has been investigating the scandal-plagued protective agency — the habitual drunkenness and whoring of its agents, among other things — when Secret Service personnel improperly accessed his protected records in a hunt for dirt. The aim of this was made clear by assistant director Ed Lowery, who wrote to assistant director Faron Paramore: “Some information that he might find embarrassing needs to get out.”

Read more at National Review
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

The Most Dangerous Man In the World

…is neither Russia’s Vladimir Putin nor China’s Xi Jinping, nor at this time, Ayatollah Khamenei – it’s none other than America’s Barack Hussein Obama. This is not because of any aggressive, risk-laden actions he has taken, far from it. It is because of those he has failed to take at critical times to credibly dissuade strategic competitors and potential aggressors, such as Russia and China, from actions that may suddenly compound into destabilizing confrontations, even war.

Read more at American Thinker
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

McConnell’s “Leadership” May Cost Republicans the Senate

A far cry from the popular establishment meme that principled conservatives are damaging the GOP’s credibility, recent evidence suggests if there is a cancer within the ranks it is spreading from the party’s epicenter. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has become an albatross around the necks of his Republican colleagues, safeguarding his own career at the expense of those around him and the electoral viability of the party at large.

Read more at Conservative Review
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Obama: Never Letting a Good Mass Shooting Go To Waste

Mere hours after a young, mixed-race religion-hater fatally shot at least nine apparently Christian victims at an Oregon college, President Obama tried to harangue Americans into supporting fresh restrictions on guns, the most severely regulated consumer goods in America. --The shooter has been identified as 20-year-old Chris Harper-Mercer. Police say in mid-morning they received reports of a gunman walking around Umpqua Community College (UCC) near Roseburg, Ore. As is the case in all or perhaps nearly all mass shootings at schools, UCC was a gun-free zone.

Read more at Frontpage Magazine
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Kill the Department of Ed.? It’s been done

When Washington’s education bureaucracy comes under political attack, it’s common to pin responsibility for its existence on Jimmy Carter. He signed legislation to establish the Department of Education in 1979, and critics note that this imposed a new department on a country that had gotten along quite well without one for more than 200 years. --But that’s not quite true. It wasn’t Jimmy Carter who launched the first Department of Education: it was Andrew Johnson, and the year was 1867. The department was small, ambitious and astonishingly short-lived. Congress abolished it and demoted its reformist chief just a year later.

Read more at Politico
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Chilling: Netanyahu Glares at UN Delegates for 45 Seconds for Their 'Deafening Silence' on Iran Deal

At the United Nations General Assembly Thursday in New York City, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu renewed his warning about Iran’s path to a nuclear bomb. Considering the recent passage of the nuclear agreement with Iran, the prime minister’s comments were especially powerful. “Iran is setting up dozens of terror cells,” Netanyahu said. “Imagine what they will do after the sanctions are lifted.”

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Dan Rather movie still insists forged Bush-National Guard documents were real

The classic definition of chutzpah — the guy who murders his parents and then begs for mercy because he’s an orphan — is getting a rewrite with the Oct. 16 release of “Truth,” a movie that insists forged documents are real. Robert Redford, who makes no effort whatsoever to look or sound like Dan Rather, plays the CBS newsman undone after he presented to the public obviously forged documents about then-President George W. Bush’s Texas Air National Guard service in the early 1970s.

Read more at the New York Post
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Sweet Cakes owners who refused to make same-sex wedding cake now refuse to pay $135,000 damages

The Oregon couple who made national headlines when they refused to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding are now refusing to pay state-ordered damages to the lesbian couple they turned away.  In response, state officials have gone to court to establish their right to place a property lien or attach other assets belonging to Aaron and Melissa Klein, proprietors of the Sweet Cakes by Melissa bakery.

Read more at the Oregonian
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Valerie Jarrett Throws Hillary Under the Bus on Email Scandal

Obama White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett threw Hillary Clinton under the bus Wednesday at the Washington Ideas Forum, where she told interviewer Andrea Mitchell that the White House gave Clinton guidance forbidding her from using private email. --“Yes, there were. Yeah, absolutely,” Jarrett said when asked if the White House sent guidance to Cabinet secretaries about not using private email. “Obviously we want to make sure that we preserve all government records, and so there was guidance given that government business should be done on government emails and that if you did use a private email that it should be turned over.”

(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Putin signs decree drafting 150,000 conscripts...fighter jets launch new wave of air strikes

Vladimir Putin has signed a decree drafting nearly 150,000 conscripts into the Russian military as Moscow's warplanes unleashed a new wave of airstrikes in Syria. --The timing of the move – on the very day Russia entered the Syrian conflict yesterday – will raise suspicions the Russian President is planning a wider offensive to prop up his Syrian counterpart.

Read more at the UK Daily Mail
(Hat tip: KimR) Read More......

Heartfelt sympathy for the fallen and their families at UCC in Roseburg

God bless and keep those killed at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, this morning. And prayers for healing for those who were injured by the gunman. Read More......